One of the many questions we have as human beings is, “Why do I have life?” We live on a world in multiple ways that is set up ideally for us to exist, this cannot be by chance. Consider that the air we breathe has just the right proportions of nitrogen and oxygen. The earth is just the right distance from the sun and does not turn too quickly or slowly. The temperature on our planet varies but is not too hot which would incinerate all of us and not too cold which would make us solid rocks of ice. The gravitational force is just right, so we can move easily and freely and don't float off into space. But why is all this even possible? Well, the Bible gives us an even greater profound reality: Jesus Christ holds all things together Colossians 1:17; and that In Christ we live and move and have our existence Acts 17:28. One author put it this way, “. . . God has encircled the whole world with an atmosphere of grace as real as the air that circulates around the globe.” SC p.68. Wrap your mind around that, if you can!
This world is now 8 billion people across 7 continents live, move, exist and are sustained by Jesus Christ and In Jesus Christ. There are even more questions to explore in future posts. Hold onto your seats!