We should have died.

That would have been our reality.  Let me explain.  All humanity was created in one person, his name was Adam.  An example I use is that of a bus driver, a bus and the passengers in the bus.  Both the driver and the bus are named Adam.  The passengers are the human race.  Wherever Adam drives the bus, the passengers are with him.  Adam was given instruction on what would happen if he violated the "rules of the road", "the law" he would surely die.  But Adam makes a choice of breaking through the law, that was there to protect him, the bus and the passengers, and he entered a place where upon entering he should have died.  The driver, the bus and the passengers on the bus should have ceased to exist!  The driver is the one responsible for breaking the law, yet the passengers suffer the consequences of the drivers actions.  Something profound happened though.  Adam (the driver), Adam (the bus) and the passengers on the bus (the human race) were not destroyed.  The law did not change, the penalty for breaking the law did not change so why didn't Adam die, why wasn't the driver and the bus destroyed?  Rev 13:8 gives us the answer ". . . . the Lamb (Jesus Christ - Jn 1:29) slain (killed) from the foundation of the world."  Before Adam broke the law the Savior was already in place.  Had the driver and bus been destroyed, we passengers would have been destroyed too, but thank God Jesus Christ is our Savior which permitted us to have the life we experience now Rom 5:18 (The Message Bible) "Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life!"  All humanity owes it's very life to Jesus Christ and so much more, because we should have died.   

More exploration in our next post.