Inspite of Covid-19, there is still Good News!

Good News!? Good News? Yes-THE Good News of Jesus Christ as the Savior and the Sustainer of this world, remains and always will remain regardless of a microscopic virus or anything else that may come.  THE Good News is not what Jesus Christ can do for us in our lives such as protecting or healing us from Covid-19, based on our faith in Him.  THE Good News is what Jesus Christ has already done for humanity as their Savior.  In Luke 2:10-11 THE Good News is that ALL PEOPLE HAVE a Savior, Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ did not become a Savior when people believe or have faith in Him, but he has already been their Savior before they heard, believed or will have faith in Him.  Romans 5:6,8,10 is clear that while we humans were without strength, ungodly, sinners and enemies - Christ died for us (humanity) and reconciled us to God by the death of Himself.  2 Corinthians 5:14 tells us that Christ died for all (humanity) therefore all (humanity) died.  Humanity's only existence is in Christ!  Hold on, hold on -stay with me.  As human beings , the life we have now, as imperfect as it is would not be possible except for Jesus Christ.  The ability to breath, the pumping of our hearts, any of our senses and whatever happiness, joy, love, affection or pleasantness we ever experienced has ONLY been possible because of what Jesus Christ did for the whole world. Acts 17:28 tells us that In Him we (believer or unbeliever) live and move and have our being (existence).  No virus now or in the future can take that away!  But, you may ask, "Why is all this evil happening, if God did all this for us (humanity) through Jesus Christ?"  "What is going on?"  "Where is God, during all this?" The answer is that God is on Trial.  Yes, you read correctly. God is on Trial.  More on this in our next post.